Folks I had been using Ubuntu and decided to give SUSE a try, once more. I did use SUSE years ago This is currently an experiment on a spare hdd on a Thinkpad T520
I would like to use Mate, ultimately, and am trying to install with XFCE. I do manage to get a working system, online.
1…What version do I want for “long term?” Is LEAP still a bit “rough”. That is, do I want LEAP, or TUMBLEWEED?
(So far I’ve managed to get both up and running and online)
2…The problem I have with BOTH installs is repositories. I am NOT an expert. I ended up here
IMPORTANT- New Info here reflects the 12.2 repo info: Note repositories are in essence file servers on the internet containing applications, drivers, codecs, … etc … in this case, for openSUSE. and as a new user, when setting up your repositories by following the guidance in that page, initially set up only 5 repositories (repos). Just 5. No others. None! Those 5 are OSS, Non-OSS, Non-OSS-Update…
and then…
Start YaST by clicking on it under Software in your menu or by typing yast in the run command box (press Alt+F2).
Select Software Repositories.
and last…
Click on Add, select *Specify URL
Specify WHAT URL? Where do I GET this URL? Or to put this another way, how do I fix this
Depending on what I click, “Update” or whatever I get various error messages concerning repositories, “not specified,” etc.
Is this a SUSE problem, did something go wrong with my install, just what is going on?
Thanks very much.