repository checksum error

I needed xemacs, but the one I got from Suse website has a wrong checksum. I don’t know where to report this.

If anyone can tell me… and report this… please? TY!

You need to give more information. With OS 11.2 x86_64 searching for xemacs in YaST->Software Manager results in a successful installation.

It could be you have packages that aren’t signed with right certificate, or for wrong release.

The current version downloaded today and it’s ok:
package name Xemacs
Authors: Chuck Thomson, Ben wing
Version 21.5.28 2008 0401-58.17.3
Size 26,8

yesterday the same package name gave an error.
It’s fixed now.

Still don’t know where to report repository errors.
just in Forum >> install ?

It’s not that unusual for this to happen, especially with 3rd part repos. They take a while to sync when the build changes and you can catch it in transition.