Repositories Q/A for Priority?

I like to know which should I use from 0-100 priority for repositories.

Could you please give me hand and I appreciated;).


I set all mine to 99.
But consider I might know what I’m doing - So this might not be the best approach for everyone. The default values should be fine for most users who don’t venture into testing and development.

Well in factory/… should be 10 is that right I don`t thing so what can you say about that:\

A setting of 10 is higher than 99.

Normally the first priority is the Updates (20), after that everything is much the same 99 or thereabouts. If you use Factory say kde4, if you set updates at 10 or 20 and Factory at 99, you could end up with some conflicts from time to time.

With all at 99, Manage updates and factory upgrades vis software management.


So how should it look like could you please show me how to setup right so there will be no conflicts please:)

This is mine

#  | Alias                | Name                 | Enabled | Refresh | Priority
1  | 11.1_NON-OSS         | 11.1 NON-OSS         | Yes     | Yes     | 99
2  | 11.1_OSS             | 11.1 OSS             | Yes     | Yes     | 99
3  | KDE4_Community       | KDE4 Community       | Yes     | Yes     | 99
4  | KDE4_Factory_Desktop | KDE4 Factory Desktop | Yes     | Yes     | 99
5  | Mozilla              | Mozilla              | Yes     | Yes     | 99
6  | Packman              | Packman              | Yes     | Yes     | 99
7  | QT44                 | QT44                 | No      | No      | 99
8  | Updates              | Updates              | Yes     | Yes     | 99
9  | VBox_1               | VBox                 | Yes     | Yes     | 99
10 | VLC                  | VLC                  | No      | No      | 99
11 | openSUSE 11.1-0      | openSUSE 11.1-0      | No      | No      | 99
12 | repo-debug           | openSUSE-11.1-Debug  | No      | No      | 100
13 | repo-source          | openSUSE-11.1-Source | No      | No      | 100

Thank you I appreciate that you helped me.
