Repositories Installation Problem

Hi, ive downloaded openSUSE 11.1 dvd and divided my HD into 2 partitions. One for linux and second for storage. I placed the .iso in the second partition (sda5) and boot setup from another .iso i copied to a USB pen drive.
Everything went well with the pre-yast setup.

When Yast2 comes however, in the
~System Probing
-Initialize Package Manager
I get an error message saying:

Unable to create repository from URL: ‘iso:/?=openSUSE-11.1-DVD-i586.iso&url=hd:///?device=/dev/sda5&filesystem=auto’.

Failed to mount /dev/sda5 on /var/adm/mount/AP_0x000000001: Mounting media failed (mount: /dev/sda5/ already mounted or /var/adm/mount/AP_0x000000001: bu

Try again?

Ive scoured the internet for answers but i really dont get the explanations. looping? wtf? I dont quite understand it. Someone pls help me in a newbie manner. PLS PLS PLS!!

these days I had the same problem. I downloaded the Iso a few times but each time the download was defect. It had only 240MB. I would recommend to check the checksum to see if the problem is the iso file…

99 times out of 100 it is a faulty DVD: corrupted download, burning errors etc. The installer has an option to check installation media Use that first, I bet you’ll see that the downloaded iso is no good

Ive checked them with 3 different md5 calculators. I got the message:

so… what does this mean? Is there another way to check the iso other than through a md5 calculator?

check here in the forum under Install/boot… the first (sticky) thread (Newbies)
Under MD5 check (or so) 2 tools are recommended. I downloaded the second one (MD5 gui). Also the md5-file on the opensuse download page. the link is directly under the iso image. What I did was to store this md5 file and the iso image in the same folder, opened the checktool and moved the md5 file pert drag and drop into this window. Then it compares the iso with the md5 file to calculate the file can take a while…
Whaz I did to get a good downloadwas to start a download over the download page, then it shows somewhere the download source, copied the address and paste it into filezilla (an ftp client). There I seached for the iso I wanted and got it there without fault
good luck

The site where the iso is downloaded from should also have a file with the same name as the iso but ending xxxxx.iso.md5 or xxxxx.iso.md5.txt.

If you open this file in a text editor it should have just the md5 checksum which should be the same as that great long string of chacters you posted above.

On your original post I wonder about running the .iso from a pen drive. In my limited experience I’ve found that installing from any usb drive, whether a memory stick or an external usb hard drive, can have variable results. When YaST tries to actually start the install it looks for the install medium (which it regards as a repository). What you’ve tried is to give YaST a copy of the install medium (your .iso) on a hard drive partition and perhaps that is where YaST wants to make your new system install! I’ve generally found installs succeed best when the install medium is in an internal optical drive (CD or DVD)so that it is totally independent of the finished destination system hard drive. I’m not saying it’s not possible the way you are trying but it seems to be quite dependent on how good the native BIOS support for usb storage is on the PC in question and how carefully the desired partitioning scheme fits in with the install software and hardware discovery regarding the various storage media on the PC.

If the .iso you have downloaded is ok and not corrupted then it is worth trying to burn it to a CD or DVD on a borrowed machine somewhere and then try to install from an optical disc which is usually about the most straightforward.

thanks so much for the ideas. Ive checked the md5 and compared the strings.
So this means my .iso is corrupt? is there a way to fix this on windows? Do i have to download the entire thing all over again?

> So this means my .iso is corrupt? is there a way to fix this on
> windows? Do i have to download the entire thing all over again?

use a torrent, and download against that bad iso you already
have…and the torrent will repair it, automatically…(and, you will
avoid downloading all that IS correct, again)…


ive done what you said and used bittorrent and “wrote over” the original download.
It looks like its good. but when i check for the md5, I still get


Is this string acceptable? or does it have to match exactly in what was given by the site?



so does this mean i have to download the entire iso over again? cuz the bit torrent doesnt seem to fix it…

chutchick wrote:
> so does this mean i have to download the entire iso over again? cuz the
> bit torrent doesnt seem to fix it…

i am at a loss for words…it was (is?) my understanding that the bit
torrent protocol automatically check EACH part and it is impossible to
not get a complete, correct download…

what windows bit torrent program did you use?

are you SURE that you are running the md5sum check against the image
repaired by the torrent…

i mean, is it possible that you have TWO different .iso images, in two
different places on your system (maybe one in a browser picked place
and another in a torrent program picked place?

this is very puzzling…but, to answer you question: there is NO need
to burn a DVD with a garbage download…unless you NEED another coaster…


Im sorry for the headaches. really, i am. I downloaded bittorrent from their website itself. Ran it against my ONLY .iso file. It took some time (dial-up) but it did check the whole thing entirely and there were no errors.

(BTW, the iso file was downloaded on another friend’s comp so we cant really blame my dial-up)

Again, nothing wrong came up after the bittorrent was checked. The only problem i see is that whenever i try to check on the md5, the strings are different. TOTALLY different.

Again, i apologize if im pissing people off. I just dont know what to do. And i was hoping you guys could help me.


> Again, i apologize if im pissing people off. I just dont know what to
> do. And i was hoping you guys could help me.

NO! no one here is pissed off…at least i’m not and i know i can
speak for ‘secondary’ also…

NO SIR, we are just trying to help…and, don’t know how…i do
remember reading that…well…something about saving to a particular
type of file system…but, i don’t remember…

sorry…i do hope you will use the search function on this forum to
see if you can’t find more about md5sum problems…

The Real Elvis

went through a whole heap of topics. Saw one saying he had a mismatched md5sum but burned and installed ok. Will try doing it anyways. I got tons of blanks. Just bought a dvd burner. hope it works.

besides, i could use a new coaster…

Will post results ASAP.
