When not logged in to the forums and reading a thread, then clicking on “Reply with Quote” the login page points to the old authentication system rather than https://forums.opensuse.org/ICSLogin/auth-up and subsequently any attempts to login via that form will fail.
Not a big deal, just something I noticed while trying to reply to a thread.
AFAIK, it does not refer to the old login method, but to a direct vBulletin login, which is not used by the forums and thus fails.
There is a bug report higher up in the SUSE organisation. There are more things to sort out after the move, thus I assume it will take some time before being solved.
You may need to login ( same creds as the forums. But here’s the content:
On forums.o.o the Reply-with-quote ( bottom right of posts ) shows when not
being logged in, but then leads to the VBulleting login. The Reply button does
not show.
Proposed fixes:
Hide butten from non-logged in users
Make clicking when not logged in use the new login system
Don’t think it’s related. I noticed the Reply with Quote showing when nog logged in years ago, but I did not try it. Just looked at the top of the page and saw I wasn’t logged in anymore.