Replacement for Knemo in 11.1/3.5?

I tried the last .rpm for Knemo in 11.1RC1/KDE 3.5, but it doesn’t install … says it’s missing (whatever).so.23 or something, IIR. I tried doing a symbolic link to the .so version installed (and even copied/renamed it), but that doesn’t work either.

Are there any plans to put a 11.1 version of Knemo in an official repository (even if community) or, alternatively, is there an equivalent replacement for Knemo in the repositories? TIA.

Look on Webpin name is knetstats

knetstats is excelent for monitoring, if you don’t need logging. Only limitation is that the counters stop at 4GB in the i586 version (accumulator variables are limited to 32 bits).