Repeating journal messages: firefox[6432]: Failed to export handle

Hi, openSUSE Tumbleweed 20250105 here with KDE using Wayland.

The journal is just full of multiple instances:

# journalctl -b | grep -i "error\|warn\|fail"
Jan 08 04:37:23 hightower-i5-6600k firefox[6432]: Failed to export handle, could not set transient for
Jan 08 04:37:59 hightower-i5-6600k firefox[6432]: [Parent 6432, Main Thread] WARNING: Server is missing xdg_foreign support: 'glib warning', file /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/firefox-133.0.3/toolkit/xre/nsSigHandlers.cpp:201
Jan 08 04:37:59 hightower-i5-6600k firefox[6432]: [Parent 6432, Main Thread] WARNING: Failed to export handle, could not set transient for: 'glib warning', file /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/firefox-133.0.3/toolkit/xre/nsSigHandlers.cpp:201

entries, repeating. I did a quick web search for: Server is missing xdg_foreign support: 'glib warning' and see on machine that:

# cat  /usr/share/xdg-desktop-portal/portals/gtk.portal

So with the Desktop Environment being KDE on this machine, The above Usein=gnome stands out a possibly incorrect. Can you tell me more about this warning and if it may be a bug or what it may be caused by? If possible is there a solution to correct it?

What issue(s) are you having with Firefox that prompted you to search the logs??

Interestingly, here (still 15.5 :roll_eyes:) I have got the same kind of one line related to firefox 133:

'glib warning', file/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/firefox-133.0.3/toolkit/xre/nsSigHandlers.cpp:201

I would assume some issue with the build of the package as I definitely do NOT have any folder called
I actually don’t care too much. If it bothers you, you might wish to file a bug report?

Addendum, FWIW:
On my ancient home server (15.6) I don’t bother about an up-to-date firefox. It’s the “regular” 128 from update-sle repo. There’s no such line - not any firefox related line - in the journal.

I had 3 different Firefox instances open in two different workspaces. I was using one Firefox instance to browse and when downloading a few wallpapers the display/s would freeze and turn white in color (also machine would freeze). The machine here has 16GiB of memory.

I also sent a message to the openSUSE support mailing list concerning a -ENOMEM entry also shown in dmesg output during this time.

-ENOMEM is unlikely a bug by itself. It may be an indication of a kernel bug or it is possible that your workload consumes all available memory (which in turn may be an indication of an application bug).

Do you see the (-ENOMEM) error again after reboot?

No, I have not.

I may if it could help and not bother anyone.

@panorain wrote

ENOMEM seldom means you’ve run out of RAM. Instead, it usually means that a program is asking for more memory than it is allowed to use.

Quite possibly it was Firefox in your situation. Were the ENONEM log entries pointing to Firefox?

Do you have swap space?

Hi, This is the specific ENOMEM message that was displayed by dmesg:

[49125.219751] [ T141229] workqueue: Failed to create a worker thread:
[49128.254152] [      T2] SLUB: Unable to allocate memory on CPU 1 (of
node 0) on node 0, gfp=0xcc0(GFP_KERNEL)
[49128.254157] [      T2]   cache: task_struct, object size: 10752,
buffer size: 10752, default order: 3, min order: 2
[49128.254159] [      T2]   node 0: slabs: 976, objs: 2920, free: 0

Swap space and memory of machine after powercyling:

:~> free -m
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           15956        7599        1993         493        7189        8356
Swap:          15887           0       15887

Again cross-posting and going off-topic. Hence closing this thread.

Thread reopened after mod discussion

@myswtest I have created a bug report (related to ENOMEM) here :< 1235540 – Re: dmesg error snippet:< workqueue: Failed to create worker thread:

@kasi042 I have not created bug report about :< 'glib warning', file /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/firefox-133.0.3/toolkit/xre/nsSigHandlers.cpp:201 as of yet.

Thank you for your insight on this :cold_face: