Removing XFCE

I am using opensuse 11.4 gnome.
I installed xfce desktop environment using the yast - patterns.
Now, i dont like it and wanna remove it…
It has installed apps such as xfburn… i wanna remove everything brought in by xfce
I tried to remove the pattern… it says patterns cant be removed!
Please help!


Simply do not use it anymore. Removing everysingle package is a tedious task and is hardly worth the few MBytes that it frees.

It’s not possible indeed:

zypper rm -t pattern xfce
Uninstallation of a pattern is currently not defined and implemented.

You can try that:

su -l
rpm --test -vv -e $(rpm -qa | grep -i -e xfce -e thunar -e mousepad -e orage -e Terminal -e ristretto -e xfburn -e xfconf -e xfwm4 -e xfdesktop -e exo -e parole | sed '/yast/d;/libstorage/d;/libeXosip/d')

If it doesn’t output anything weird, remove --test and run it again… AT YOU OWN RISK!

or wait for a better advice…

Yeah, I am counting on that… Will you answer my another question?

I am currently using opensuse 11.4 with gnome., before that i used the same distro with kde4 (I am new to linux)
I switched to gnome because, kde crashed now and then! (believe me!)
on the time i was using kde, i dont know that i can also add gnome, so i reformatted my hdd to install suse with gnome
now i want kde… so if i add kde to current os, will it be safe and stable? or will i face similar problems

PS:I am running suse on lenovo thinkpad


It is safe to install the kde4 pattern after Gnome. However Kde will not work better than it did before until you find out why it crashes and solve the problem.

^^ So, you are pointing out that kde will work as if the suse was installed with default kde even if its added alongside with gnome?
I will clarify the problem as and when it arises…
The problem i remember is, when ever i used the desktop globe, zooming for the sixth time would crash it… (always)

Absolutely. You will be able to login in Gnome or KDE (or Xfce actually since you didn’t uninstall it). You can have as many desktops or window managers as you like.

The problem i remember is, when ever i used the desktop globe, zooming for the sixth time would crash it… (always)

I have no idea what desktop globe is. If it’s a special effect, I’m not really surprised that it might occasionally crash or freeze the desktop.

  • I would say: don’t zoom more than 5 times then!

Its something like google earth( a rotatable and zoomable 3d globe) and i dont exactly remember its name… it comes installed by default in education category… and zooming 5 times, some places are hardly visible… you gotta zoom atleast 10 times to get a nice view

On Sat, 06 Aug 2011 13:16:04 +0530, thinkanish
<> wrote:

> please_try_again;2371992 Wrote:
>> I have no idea what desktop globe is. If it’s a special effect, I’m not
>> really surprised that it might occasionally crash or freeze the
>> desktop.
>> * I would say: don’t zoom more than 5 times then!
> Its something like google earth( a rotatable and zoomable 3d globe) and
> i dont exactly remember its name… it comes installed by default in
> education category… and zooming 5 times, some places are hardly
> visible… you gotta zoom atleast 10 times to get a nice view

i think he’s talking about the ‘wallpaper’ option, available under
‘desktop settings,’ among image, slideshow, etc. i’ve tried this once and
it worked, but it seems to be the whole marble application running in the
background, used to provide the desktop background. it’s pretty obvious i
think that this is likely to crash once in a while, specially together
with desktop effects.

if i want to see a globe or map i start marble or google-earth separately.
what’s the point having it running all the time, behind the applications
i’m using?


No, he said . it comes installed by default in education he means Marble. You can get it by Kicker>Applications>Edutainment>Desktop Globe (Marble)
@ thinkanish,
Just leave the KDE Marble alone, Google Earth is better, though I think it maybe too much for a Thinkpad.
If you haven’t already Welcome to Opensuse & its forum

So I can have kde, gnome and xfce together without any issues. thats fine… I will download kde tomorrow…

On 2011-08-06 11:46, thinkanish wrote:
> So I can have kde, gnome and xfce together without any issues. thats
> fine… I will download kde tomorrow…

Normally, yes. I have that and more. Some people do have problems, though.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

I’m also looking to remove XFCE completely along with all its apps. I find it unacceptable that there’s no clear cut way to do it, regardless if it’s “harmless” and you can have multiple DEs. Linux is about customization and user control. Being able to install something and not uninstall is silly.

For example for me, I only have 512MB RAM and currently have LXDE and XFCE installed. Xfce is really slow so I have no use for it and use LXDE, but when using LXDE, task manager shows several programs hogging memory that have *-xfce in their name…

Just find out what is included with xfce and remove it manually.
Before doing so Install first the DE that you want to replace xfce
so when you reboot or logout/login you have a gui replacement.
I’m a long time xfce user and didn’t had any problem removing and reinstalling xfce.

You don’t have to install patterns to change DE.

My system was Gnome2, but I’ve installed xfce components manually.
And then removed some G2 components (just because I didnt use it anymore).

Now I have something that is between G2 and Xfce… it uses GNOME applications (GVFS, bluetooth and volume applets etc) but looks like xfce.
I believe i’m still using GNOME patterns.

Gnome parts should be updated along with Gnome3, still it will look like xfce (with compiz instead of gnome shell+mutter :D).

Xfce on its own is a bit too simple, but mixed with gnome is alright. You can even use nautilus (it replaces both thunar and xfdestkop at once) with xfce.
Some distributions mix these DE by default (at least openSuSE and Mint does)

xfdesktop is waaay to simple, but it will be integrated into thunar in xfce 4.10.

You can customized it. In fact in this machine that I am using right now I replaced xfwm4 with kwin of kde 4.7.:wink:

wow I’ve never thought about it (compiz is good) but yeah why not :smiley: KWin is nice too.
KWin+Nautilus+Xfce panel
how would you call this DE? rotfl!


What I don’t understand is why there’s no predefined package(s) for installation/removal. For example xfce4 for essentials, maybe xfce4-extra for extra programs. That way you can run one or two commands and remove the entire installation, rather than hunting down thousands of packages

edit: can’t believe I didn’t think of this (well, I can, since I’m new to OpenSUSE), just go to YaST, look for xfce and just uninstall the xfce packages listed there.

But it’s not definitive because maybe there are more without ‘xfce’ in the description

Below you will see the xfce packages
Index of /repositories/X11:/xfce/openSUSE_11.4

Note: the link I gave has extra packages that are not in the opensuse standard repo, but will give you guide on xfce .
You can add it in yast and when you open this repositories it will show the packages including that of the standard opensuse repo.
You can track down the package version of each repo by clicking the version tab in the yast-software management.

I suggested 1 command (!) to remove all Xfce packages in post #3 of this thread.