Removing a program

I’m a OpenSuse user since 12:30 CET today and I want to remove Firefox from my computer(I think I’m using KDE 3.0 and RPM if that matters).
This is the progress I made so far with removing FF:
*deleted the desktop shortcut

  • Located more FF files on my harddrive (system:/media/sda6/usr/lib)
    Then I tried to delete the FF folder but it says Error Konqueror
    Access denied to /usr/lib/firefox/firefox.
    Even tough I’m the only user.

I thought that it would be an easy task to remove FF but it seems like I have to ask you guys. How do I delete FF which is preinstalled with Opensuse11

YaST -Software - Software management. type Firefox in the search field, then, deselect,then click apply
Job done :slight_smile:


Deleting shortcuts, and other files isn’t a good way to uninstall applications. If Firefox is installed from rpm, then open YaST (Search for it in your KMenu).
Start it, type your root password.
On the left panel choose Software category, and inside that Software management. In this window (Software Management) type into the search filed: firefox and hit the search button.
When the search is finished select your firefox package, and hit the - button on your keyboard. Click to Accept.
Good luck

Something happned they are no longer in system:/media/sda6/usr/lib but I can still find them using Yast2. I want to completly remove them if thats possible

I am afraid that by doing all sorts of things by hand you messed up the whole. Installing and uninstalling software goes via YaST as deltaflyer44 explained.

That does not sound good at all. Do you mean that I will have these firefox ghost files for ever?

can’t you re-install it via Yast or with zypper,
then remove via Yast as Andy suggests

That is what i suggest also: install via YaST and then deinstall with YaST.

And I suggest strongly in the near future: do only use YaST. If you become more used to Linux and the CLI you could use zypper directly (after all, YaST is only a GUI enveloping zipper).

Only when realy needed go for installing and deinstalling RPMs not in the repos.

I reinstalled OpenSUSE instead
If I look at the YaST software management I see 4 files.
MozillaFirefox|(marked with a black check mark)
beagle-firefox|(marked with a black check mark)

Now what do I need to do?

Oops! That a bit heavy for just uninstalling a few files that are not realy in the way.

The unmarked are not installed (as you may have assumed yourself). The other two are installed (the Help > Symbols above will show you what all symbols mean).

To uninstall, right click on the checked box and choose ‘delete’. Take first the beagle one, because that depends on firefox. When both are marked ‘delete’ click Accept (lower-right).

That is all.

All four are now unmarked am I done?

About the installation
I wanted to change password and computer name also. The best way to do must that way, right?

I little more confidence in yourself please :wink: , unmarked means not installed, seems logical not?

For changing a password use the **passwd **program. A user can call it for himself


and a new password will be asked for two times.
Likewise can root change its own password.
Root can also change the password of any other user with

passwd <username>

See also man passwd.

For changing the hostname use Yast > Network Devices > Network Card.
Then you see the tab Hostname/DNS. Fill in the new hostname (and maybe the domain name). Click Finish lower-right.

Congratulations you have slighly improved the total amount of happiness in this world by helping me

> Congratulations you have slighly improved the total amount of happiness
> in this world by helping me

Your happiness will also climb as you unlearn some other bad habits (like
reinstall and reboot to ‘fix’ computer software problems).