I just tried to upgrade from openSUSE 12.3 to 13.1 via SSH, however after 1500+ / 1929 packages the system froze and failed.
If i reboot the server is it likely to get a command prompt or is it a wipe / restart from DVD?
The machine is 5000km from me so I will have to get somebody to manually fix it.
Afaik all that was left to install was KDE, LibreOffice etc all the basic server functionality was already installed.
The package that failed was rtkit which is related to pulseaudio afaik.
Thanks in advance.
That’s why you should use “screen”, “tmux”, or something similar when doing the upgrade, especially if you do it via ssh (as mentioned in http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:System_upgrade).
Then the upgrade would just continue even when you get disconnected, and you could just reconnect to that session.
If it’s really only KDE, LibreOffice, and so on, that’s missing, then you should be able to login after a reboot.
But why risk that?
If you can still login, just continue the upgrade before rebooting. Just run “zypper dup” again, it won’t install the already installed packages a second time.
OK result is - my father rebooted pc - system booted to login prompt - I ssh’d in and tried to zypper dup - no routes to the update server (thinking no internet, can’t be no internet im on ssh!) anyway yast lan revealed the gateway hadn’t been set so i set the gateway, resumed the zypper dup and all’s back to normal.
Just one question: Why did rtkit freeze the zypper dup process if i couldn’t reboot and resume there would have been bigger problems.
Just a guess but you had a interrupted dup so some things got updated some did not and the final configuration may not have been done.
No idea.
But I guess rtkit did not freeze the zypper dup process, but for some reasons your connection was capped (whether or not this was related to the rtkit or any other update is a different question though).
That would look to you (logged in via ssh) as if the zypper dup would have frozen. And the zypper dup would be killed by the kernel, because the user running it was forcefully logged out.
Again, exactly this is the reason why you should always use “screen” or “tmux” when upgrading with zypper dup, especially via ssh.
As I wrote in the previous post:
if the connection drops for some reason, “zypper dup” would just continue to run as if nothing happened. And you would be able to re-connect to that running “zypper dup” session again.