remote management software suggestions?

Hi i have a bunch of opensuse machines running without displays. I would like to remotely manage them from a central location but i am finding it difficult. I tried to install guacamole but i never managed to get it working.

I’ve tried teamviewer but teamviewer stops at initialising display even though the machine has a GPU but with no monitor plugged in.

I need some kind of remote desktop to manage the opensuse machines so that i can configure them and install software.

I would also like to have a central way of managing or monitoring them. The monitoring machine can run a debian based OS or even opensuse based OS. I would like to remotely monitor resource usage and temperatures.

The software shouldnt be too difficult to setup and use. Trying to set up guacamole was a nightmare.

Why not just use ssh and the command line tools, yast runs an ncurses version? If the monitoring machine runs X, just use ssh -X and run a GUI.

To monitor remotely, use something like Nagios, or snmp?

yes something like snmp. Does anyone know of any software for such or a way to make a php based page?

I have a raspberry pi 2 running some network monitoring, apache and mysql and also performs other things. I want to use that for monitoring as its powered by my router’s usb port. So whether its a software suite or a web page (preferred). Currently my router has a monitoring software that works through snmp which is nice but im not sure if it is capable of showing various temperatures.

I tried x over SSH and it did work but when i tried to load the desktop with startkde it crashed. It said something about a segmentation fault.

Maybe mrtg then?

I would only start applications not a desktop. What do you need to do that can’t be done via the command line? Remember if you only rely on GUI tools and your stuck at rescue mode, pays to learn a few command line functions :wink:

Its a lot faster for me to do things using the desktop and to see information quicker like disk space, temperatures, resource usages, configuring software. When i exit a GUI application it terminates. if i wanted to create a teamspeak bot while it is possible to run without GUI perhaps but i would prefer to be able to load the desktop and have the GUI still running.

On my router it runs the dude server which is mikrotik’s own snmp monitoring software. Its actually capable of providing lots of information but i would prefer to actually be able to provide the information through php rather than using their software package.

Probably look at VNC then.

Still think you should look at something like Nagios or the alternative Centreon. Install net-snmp on a system, fire it up (systemctl start snmpd) and walk the system;

snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost

Lots and lots of info :wink:

Machines running without a display (and often also without physical keyboard and mouse) are generally described as “headless.”

You can install and run VNC for remote graphical desktops very easily simply by opening
YAST > Remote Administration

It will install the all-important x-server which is required for many remote desktop apps.
In fact, after this installation, you can run not just VNC but also “X over SSH”

The current online community openSUSE documentation does a pretty decent job describing this

You may also be interested in monitoring machine metrics remotely.
By doing this, you can keep tabs on the “health” of your remote machines without remoting into each one.

Examples of this are nagios and nagios clones (I do not recommend nagios itself which is very old and difficult to set up properly, but highly recommend practically every clone that exists). Popular choices are Zabbix and ichinga.



I use tigervnc (zypper in tigervnc) for my headless somethings. I have to start them under Tumbleweed (42.1 currently not using) via ssh (vncserver :1, at first try you have to choose a password.) Don’t forget to open firewall ports :slight_smile:

I tried this nice little script to start vnc on boot:

Description=Remote desktop service (VNC)

ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :%i > /dev/null 2>&1
ExecStart=/usr/bin/vncserver :%i
ExecStop=/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :%i


to be added in /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@.service

followed by:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl enable vncserver@1.service

Does work fine on raspbian and debian, but never got it working yet on TW…

PS: Tried again this morning, the script provided above to autostart VNC on boot works perfectly on current TW… :slight_smile: