Remmina with dual diplay after stand by period loose display configuration

Hello all,

When i wake up the computer (AMD5800x+6800XT) after a period of stand by, the remmina guest that were using multi screen (dual display host) have the configuration lost and the left screen/right screen are reversed.

one monitor is connected via DP and the other on HDMI .

Plasma? Gnome? XFCE? Something else? Are both screens same size and resolution? What is output from inxi -GSazwhen both are working?

in fact, it happen even on my DE, not only in remmina.

I use KDE, with dual display identical with 2K resolution 27" curved screens !

Try disabling KScreen2 in background startup. KDE’s upstream efforts to reduce problems with multiple displays in 5.27.x don’t work for every situation, so those efforts remain a WIP. You can use xrandr and arandr to set them up to your liking if X automagic isn’t good enough to provide your liking without KScreen’s meddling.