So, yesterday I took some time to try to login with a new user.
Unfortunately, the new user has the same problem as the old one, at least for the main problem.
The main problem is that, after login, the desktop doesn’t come up. I get conky, I get Latte Dock, I get Yakuake and the ALT-F2 pop-up, but the rest of the desktop doesn’t come up (no start menu, no desktop background, no desktop panels).
Then, usually after about 19 minutes, the desktop suddenly comes up. If - after the desktop has come up - I kill plasmashell and restart it, sometimes it comes up immediately while sometimes I have to wait again.
If I kill and restart plasmashell before the 19 minutes, it still doesn’t come up.
I haven’t been able to track the problem down to some error… even starting plasmashell from the command line I don’t see any obvious error that blocks it from showing completely. To me, it seems some kind of timeout problem… but 19 minutes seems quite long as a timeout.
Another symptom is that some of the popup windows (usually asking for passwords) come up completely black. If I let them alone, after a few minutes they eventually decide to let me see their contents. If I remember correctly this is not directly linked to the time it takes to show the desktop.
As you see there are various problems that I’ve not been able to correct till now… I have these problems since about a month, and no amount of updating has corrected them.
I would gladly avoid reinstalling. I have never been a Windows user and I hate the idea of resolving problems by reinstalling, but sometimes it seems there’s no other way.
I exposed my main problem on another thread in the application area of this forum, but got no reply.
If someone comes up with a suggestion about something to try before reinstalling, I would be very interested in trying it out.
Thank you in advance!!