Redshift, make your screen more comfortable at night

I would like to start off by saying, this may seem “niche” or personal, but there is tons of research

There is a lot more, especially from Harvard medical school:

As well as the American Medical Association, but it’s behind a sign up / paywall, and also I cannot find it. On to the point. Redshift makes your screen less white, more … light orange at night, and it now does so in a correct, very accurate way since 1.9 updated the color tables. It was extremely red before and I’d constantly tell people to run it with a higher setting when they started out.

So, what does redshift try to accomplish? It makes your screen more orangish / yellowish (but more orange) similar to that of a candle if you choose that setting (1900K). Here’s a good chart:

This helps you relax, as the bright white light is no longer directly emitted from the screen, but instead blocked by darker colored pixels if you want to get crazy specific. The warmer, more orange / yellow whatever color that it shifts your screen to will let your body know it is at least sunset, or something to that effect, and it’s time to relax. We are still tuned to the rise and fall of the sun, whether you want to believe it or not, there’s nothing natural you can do to change that (you’ll seriously get sick if you try to).

I really don’t know what else to say about how it works, I guess if you have any questions just ask!

Anyway, I think it’s a wonderful program, and I think this needs more awareness. Sure everyone knows “T.V.'s keep you awake at night” yeah duh! but nobody knows “how much”. Also since you’re **MUCH **closer to a computer monitor, that actually makes it brighter than a T.V. yeah, the closer you get to an object, the brighter it is to your eyes. It’s a thing.

I hope you all think this program is useful, and I hope you try it out, as I loved it on Manjaro Linux (had to run it to install the new 1.9 version, I was desperate to see what they did with the new color tables–they match f.lux indistinguishably!).

F.lux are the people with the tools to measure this stuff, but redshift is for actually bringing it to linux in a working fashion. So thanks to the dev of Redshift for all his hard work, as without it, you all would need to resort to using “Wine” and installing the windows version of f.lux.

Final note, there is a KDE plasma widget for Redshift!

How does one get it?

It’s on the kde stuff website

Thanks for the write up, was interesting.

Readers might be interested in this thread of yours: Redshift - better looking monitor at night - Open Chat - openSUSE Forums

On Tue, 19 Apr 2016 00:46:02 +0000, timpster wrote:

> I hope you all think this program is useful, and I hope you try it out,
> as I loved it on Manjaro Linux (had to run it to install the new 1.9
> version,
> I was desperate to see what they did with the new color tables–they
> match f.lux indistinguishably!).

That’s a nice enhancement. I’ve used it since before the first time you
posted about this code in March, 2013 - and now use a Mac alongside my
Linux box, with F.lux on it. One thing that has always bugged me a
little was that the color profiles differed quite a bit.

Will have to check out 1.9.

Also good to see that the plasma widget is still available - I noticed
one of the users who participated in your last thread (the aforementioned
one in 2013) let you know about the widget. It was able to be found at
that time in - and probably still can be.

Out of curiosity, are you involved in the maintenance of the code at all
(for either redshift or f.lux)?


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
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That reminds me of my very… uh… EXCITED WRITING STYLE, BACK IN THE DAY. YES it was VERY much like this… sorry that you all had to read that. I’ve since improved that, and looking back on it, well that was just horrible. I’m still not very good at explaining all this sleep stuff though. I still think it was a good thread, and I got several people onto redshift. I hope to attract a few more users to it, with a cleaner, and more laid back writing style.

Nope, I’m not a dev, and I’m not really part of the two person group. It’s a husband and wife working on not only f.lux, but helping to spread awareness about it, and also trying to get physical tools into the hands of the many to measure light and color spectrum which can be very expensive. I really appreciate their work, and if you’re interested, they’ve got a forum now (they’ve had it since… I think 2015 or so) that you may like. If you sign up, you can ask them questions about all this, but I think a thread you, and maybe several others here may like is the following:

That should be an https link, it will not allow connections over http.

Thanks a lot for the redshift propaganda. Since a friend of mine introduced me to f.lux I was a user ever since. Wasn’t aware of redshift so I installed it along with the plasmoid and it’s working great for me :slight_smile:

In regards to screen brightness and laptops HP (formerly Compaq) used to produce laptops with a light sensor that would automatically adjust the brightness. I really liked that feature but not sure if they manufacture it still.

Also I would think some monitors should have this feature as there are TVs with it.