Recommendations needed.

red"]PLEASE help me on this thread:
Network Traffic Management Tools - openSUSE Forums

Thanks. :stuck_out_tongue:


You may want to look at some of the programs here](

Iā€™ve been using vnstat. I might try some of the others. Thanks for the info, RCCrouch.

You might also try Ntop if you havenā€™t yet. It has a nice web interface. Included in 11.1.

On Wed, 2009-02-11 at 21:26 +0000, TheMask wrote:
> red"]PLEASE help me on this thread:
> ā€˜Network Traffic Management Tools - openSUSE Forumsā€™
> (

We use snmp in conjunction with Cacti. We get
graphs for network usage on our boxes and switches
and routers (along with many other graphs).

RCCrouch: Reputation points raised. Thanks for helping. :slight_smile:


Something that you may want to try, and Iā€™m not saying that it will work, is to install your Windows program under ā€œwineā€ and see if it works.