Recommendations for partitioning in a RAID app dual boot?

I was thinking of taking advantage of the RAID setup in my ASUS MoBo. Right now, I have OSS 11.4 and Win7 in dual boot. I plan on upgrading to OSS 12.1. I plan on getting another Seagate 2TB HDD to mirror my boot drive. What partitioning set up should I put on that HD mirror? I looked for info at this forum and I found one guy who has a RAID app set up already, but botched the upgrade to 12.1.

What do you recommend? Thanks in advance!

Motherboard RAID is normally what is called FAKE or BIOS assisted RAID and often requires external proprietary drivers.

Some can be used with Linux some not. Also the RAID level to be used must be considered. RAID 1 is mirrored data it gives redundancy but should not be considered a backup method. It can provide additional uptime in the case of a single drive failure but provides no protection from corrupted data. RAID 0 is striped data where every other sector is written to the other drive. This does increase throughput but all data is lost if you loss either drive.

IMO RAID is a pain and gives very limited real benefit for a personal computer and some serious drawbacks. In an enterprise situation I’d use a real hardware controller not a cheap chip added to the MB or go software RAID. Note the Windows does not support software RAID.

On 2012-04-08 05:36, gogalthorp wrote:
> Note the Windows does not support software RAID.

It does, actually - but obviously its own brand.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)