I have 15.4 installed in multi-boot with two OSX . . . I recently had this same issue where running an upgrade in Leap failed to reach grub and on cold boot screen booted to the white screen . . . .
Yesterday there was a “392” package upgrade, which I ran . . . as Leap is the only system to use grub on this machine I did nothing in Yast to the bootloader. I used the machine until I shut it down.
This morning on cold boot, rather than loading the grub window with the sole choice of Leap . . . again we went to the white screen. I know that last time I had to get my SG2 disk out to boot back into Leap . . . the question is why is zypper not running grub update, or whatever the zypper operation that runs an update on what initrd when there is a new kernel added??
Seems like it should be easier to do an upgrade when there is only one item on the grub menu???
Based on your similar thread and my Mac UEFI experiences, it seems like this belongs in a bug report.
Cool. I thought that we might have filed one on this issue the last time it happened, but when I was looking through bugzilla it didn’t find any . . . filed by me. Did I piggyback on one filed by you, or is this time for a fresh bug report???
You reported which is waiting on feedback from you. If you think you have already provided the requested feedback, you need to uncheck the needinfo box to let the devs know the ball is back in their park.
Thanks for finding that and the “needinfo” thing . . . that must be another bug?? As I was the last post on the bug from almost a month ago??? I think I did that properly now??
I just saw that I must have filed another bug last June with the same issue?? It has almost the same subject line . . . .
I followed the bug report’s advice to “disable” shim and that or re-installing grub2 . . . seems to have brought grub menu back online for Leap 15.4.