Reboot after TW upgrade failed to start X

My reboot after TW upgrade has left me without X system so I have no gui!

Before I do anything I just need to check what are the steps I should take.
Try and start X system?
Try and reboot to previous startup?

Not quite in panic mode as I am using my Debian machine but need the TW working soon.

Consistently? What happens if you simply reboot again?

Zypper dup completed without problems?

Any clues in /var/log/Xorg.0.log

Reading the logs it looks like a permissions problem.

(EE) fx86OpenConsole:  Cannot open virtual console 1 (Permission denied) 

I am typing this as I have no cut and paste. There are other errors but no indication the driver is at fault.

When I rebooted to previous start I could get my gui back but no network!!!

Hi Paul,
Back and working now. No problems reported with zypper dup and no clue why I had a problem but to get back here now I had the change from network manager to wicked to get back on line.
Very strange and I am worried in case some hardware is failing.
Will continue with present installation and wicked until next update.
Not sure if there are any checks I can run but will sniff around.

Do you have any non-TW repositories enabled.

If not, try another zypper dup. It may be that something went amiss with the last one.

(Both my TW systems are OK, currently on 20201117)

Hi Paul,
In short no other repos. Will try another zypper dup later when quiet. Meanwhile please can you help me get the snap system working. I note that there are no snap options in my boot menu, only the advanced option. There should have been snaps available so clearly not set up correctly. Is there a How To I can check please.

I guess you’re referring to “Snapper”, to enable rollback to a previous state.

Don’t use it myself, all my systems are ext4…

The best I can offer is:

… but I feel sure others who do use it may chime in with somewhat simpler explanations, that tutorial, at a cursory glance, looked rather heavy going…