Ive had a problem since ive installed opensuse 11 with my graphic driver so i found the driver and to install it i need to connect to internet and the only mode i can use to boot and have a desktop is failsafe but there i cant connect with my REALTEK RTL8187 Wireless Adapter i tried changing the options but nothing happens. I tried to install the driver but im new and i dont know what im doing I AM STARTING TO LOOSE HOPE…:\ PLEASE HELP
If I understand correctly, you have a chicken-or-egg problem here. In my opinion, you should get your wireless going first. Without an Internet connection you’re as good as dead with modern operating systems. Do try to follow swerdna’s tutorial as given above, and post back by all means, there are plenty of savvy SuSErs here perfectly willing to help.
It looks like ‘ndiswrapper’ is the way forward for you. It is in the oss on the install dvd. Use Yast - Software - Software Management and search ‘ndiswrapper’ (no quotes).
I found this link
caf4926 wrote:
> It looks like ‘ndiswrapper’ is the way forward for you. It is in the oss
> on the install dvd. Use Yast - Software - Software Management and search
> ‘ndiswrapper’ (no quotes).
> I found this link
> ‘Realtek’ (http://tinyurl.com/2qvxlx)
The vendor drivers from Realtek are a PITA, and may not be necessary.
If your device connects via USB, then it should work without using ndiswrapper;
however, if it is a PCI device, then we are working on the code.
To determine what you have, open a terminal window and enter the command
‘/sbin/lspci -nn | grep -i rtl’ and post the output. If that does not yield any
output, then try ‘lsusb | grep -i rtl’. If that returns a “command not found”,
you need to install the usbutils package.
Once we have the details of your device, then we can better advise you.