Realtek Hi-Def audio not working very well on the distro

Well, as reported on the Milestone 3 release news:

That’s it!

Best regards,


First, please note we have a specific section for re-release/beta software here: Pre-Release/Beta - openSUSE Forums
… its not hard to find. It takes 5 seconds to look. Please look next time!

Second, this is beta software, and its is there so users can detect problems and write bug reports, not post and leave like a drive by shooting. A drive by shooting helps no one.

There is guidance for raising reports here: Submitting Bug Reports - openSUSE use your openSUSE forum username and password when logging on to bugzilla to raise a bug report. I’m sure you can figure that out.

When writing a bug report against openSUSE component, please also include the output of the standard alsa diagnostic script that comes with every version of the alsa sound driver since version 1.0.17. Run it with the --no-upload option … ie

/usr/sbin/ --no-upload

that will put a file called alsa-info.txt in your /tmp directory. Attach that file to your bug report.