Really annoying display problem.

Somewhere between KDE 4.2 > 4.3 my system developed a problem where
when my Viewsonic VP171b monitor goes into suspend and I later bring
it back up the image is shifted off the right hand side of the screen.
Interestingly, I have two LCD’s running side by side. The one on the left
(the one with the problem) is hooked up via the VGA port. The one on the
right via DVI so I assume it has something to do with not being able to
report it’s information to the video system. In any case this problem did
not used to happen.

Another interesting thing to note is I have a function on my LCD to ‘Auto
Image Adjust’ If I run this (with an application maximized) it will simply
return with the same screwy layout…BUT…if I size the window such that
it fits wholly on the portion of the screen and is not running off the edge,
then run Auto image Adjust…it solves the problem and I have a normal
screen layout and I can go about my work.

The reason why this is annoying…the screen may suspend 4 to 5 times a day.
So I either have to be non environmental and turn off power saving features
or be badgered all day with this issue.

Any ideas on what might fix it? Manually setting screen geometry or
something? Not saying this is related to KDE, just giving you the time
period in relation to when this behavior began.