Read/ Write Error SD Cards

Leap 15.2

Most of my SD cards when inserted are detected but only with read privileges.
If I look at the card permissions, it only shows the owner can modify.
I have tried using su mode dolphin to change ownership to allow group and others to also write, but it creates the following error:

Could not change permissions for /run/media/cepiolidus/9016-4EF8/Nintendo 3DS/170a0025b5dcbb6cb9557c06a41dcd6a/259100da311391183030303000284245/title/0004008c/00008f01/content/00000000/

The only cards that I can write on, are ones that have not been formatted by a different device (Cellphone, Nintendo DS, Camera, etc.)

I also tried re formatting the card with partitioner but then it creates this error

Deleting vfat on /dev/sdh1 (30.17 GiB)

Unexpected situation found in the system.

Click below to see more details (English only).

Continue despite the error?

This is quite frustrating, since it makes SD cards unusable. Any suggestions?

by the way, I have tried the 4 cards in question in my son´s windows machine, and they all work fine.

For this card ( mind to make sure the /dev/sdX entry where X is the character ‘h’ in your example ) do

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdh bs=1M count = 100

Then use YaST partitioner to create a new vfat partition on it.

  • Are the cards in question larger than 32
    GB? - You’ll need to check – is the “fuse-exfat
    ” package installed with Leap 15.2 by default? – There’s also an “exfat-utils” package …