read-only external HD, ntfs-3g unavailable on suse10.2


I’d like to upgrade to suse 11.2 (currently using suse 10.2) and I’ve attached an external hard drive to save some data on, but it will only mount read-only, by either automount or by command line.

Here’s the mount command I use (as root):

mount -t ntfs -o rw /dev/sdb1 /media/ExpansionDrive

but when I look, permissions are
dr-x------ 1 root root 4096 2009-12-05 13:38 cgate

Some related discussion on the opensuse forums has mentioned ntfs-3g, but my external filesystem type is ntfs. ntfs-3g is not available on my system currently or when I search for it with yast. I’m assuming I don’t necessarily need ntfs-3g in order to mount my drive as read-write, but please correct me if I’m wrong.

I’ve found helpful discussions on related topics in these threads:
External Hard Disk Ntfs - openSUSE Forums
LiveCD:Can’t write to external HDD - openSUSE Forums
HowTo Mount NTFS Filesystem Partition Read Write Access in openSUSE

However, these have not been specific enough to solve this particular issue. I can’t think of any other possible problems other than the ntfs-3g, so please let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks very much.


Not sure if this is necessary, but I’m using SUSE 10.2, kernel, and the external drive is a Seagate 1TB.

Download Parted magic and boot it

Using Parted Magic an Introduction - openSUSE Forums

Use the disk mount there and you will be able copy from wherever to wherever

Try this command:

mount  -t ntfs-3g     -o  defaults      /dev/sdb1 /media/ExpansionDrive

Then you should see permissions like this: drwxrwxrwx, which is writeable.

Reference: Mounting NTFS partitions temporarily (using the command line)