Re: Installing openSUSE on Acer 4520G.

I would like has some1 installed openSuse 11.1 on Acer 4520G laptop. As i dont have any drivers in linux. So if some1 has already installed on abv model with any problem, i would love to installed on my lappie. Pl let me know

If possible try the KDE or Gnome Live CD; that will tell you whether it recognises the hardware properly. If it does, you can go ahead and install.

Thanks !!!

I was able to run Live CD KDE 4.2 with almost all hardware running except for WIFI.

Now, i want to ask if i install LIVE CD on my Lappie, can i installed rest of application like OpenOffice,etc…from openSUSE 11.1 DVD ?

Better to install from the dvd,makes life easier.You can add the dvd to your repository list as well,


Then do i have to download KDe 4.2 from Internetor i can install from Live CD