Re: Delay in Booting up.


I am facing slow bootup problem after installing new DVD Writer. I dont know whether the problem is bcause of new writer, but this problem started after installing new dvd writer.

When i start the PC there is halt in the systems after the bootup message
‘Starting Firewall Initialization (phase 1 of 2) done’
it takes about 30 seconds to proceed further. Then it asks me for Login & Password, after submitting my password the screen goes blank for a minute & then it starts loading my desktop screen.

I have uploaded bootup msg pastebin - Stuff - post number 1428427.

Again when i shut down it again takes a few second & then asks for the Login ID at the command & i have wait for 20 seconds & then its show kill all the processes & then it shuts down.

Just to tell you when i had installed openSUSE 11.1 i had PATA DVD Combo Drive & now i have installed SATA DVD Writer. I donts know whether this is useful information or its linked to my problem.


So you still have only one dvd drive, you removed the old one?
Pastebin is not working for me ATM.

Did you try failsafe boot, it uses boot arguments like acpi=off and so on one of those may help resolve the issue. You can manually add them to a default boot to see which might work.

Thanks Caf,

Yes i tried in fail safe mode also i face the same problem.

Old dvd Combo was dead so i replace it with the new one, only one DVD Writer is installed

How to add the command manually, i am not so use to with Linux just an new user. do let me know step by step how to do ?


If you tried failsafe and that didn’t help, there is no need to manually edit the default boot to try each argument alone.

Going back to your opening post, I’m not sure you really have an issue here. Of course it’s difficult for us to determine just how quick or slow your computer is. But obviously it must seems slow compared to what you were use to, otherwise you wouldn’t have bothered posting about it.

When you boot have you been pressing Esc. to watch in verbose the boot process. Sometimes that helps to see where problems are.

Is the dvd working OK. Say if you open k3b?