Re: Capturing Screen & saving into mpeg/wma/avi format.


Can someone suggest me a program where i can capture the screen & save them into windows media or mp4 format ?


Edit: I mean Screen Activities (Like Webex Player & Recorder for Windows OS).

Recordmydesktop should help, though I dont think it does windows formats.
Of course thats kind of obvious as this isnt windows, but if you need a converter we can help.
I never used it myself but am aware of it.

I do use recordmydesktop. It’s output is OGG-video. To make MPEG of those i use DeVeDe; put any video file in, run it, MPEG comes out.
Both recordmydesktop and devede are available from the Packman repo

Thanks TaralKeda & Knurpht’s

I’ll try & if found difficulties i’ll let you know.

I have installed the recordmydesktop & devede.
I am facing the problem as under -

  1. When I record with the resolution of 1024x768, but on final conversion it converts to 352x288pixels, now how can i change the resolution for the output file.
    Here is the link of dialog box which shows the details (plasmamT3881.jpg)

[LIST=2] The Color of the screen on output file shows altogether different color. Like instead of Blue its show dusk.

There is only one program that does the job in a correct way on the resolution you request and that is XVidcap, available in the Packman repo.

Thanks !!!

I’ll check & let you know

It worked …

Nice to hear it worked.