Raspi 3 JeOS with Enlightenment - Update with file conflict...


Have my TW on raspi 3 set up early October, wanted to update (some 900 packages…) and get after downloading the following:

Detected 1 file conflict:

File /lib64/libnss_compat.so.2
  from install of
     glibc-2.26-7.1.aarch64 (openSUSE-Ports-Tumbleweed-repo-oss)
  conflicts with file from package
     libnss_compat2-1.2-1.1.aarch64 (@System)

File conflicts happen when two packages attempt to install files with the same name but different contents. If you continue, conflicting files will be replaced losing the previous content.
Continue? [yes/no] (no): 

Save to continue? :frowning:

How do you perform the update ? Which command ?

zypper dup

…as usual… :slight_smile:

You can weigh the two repositories each version of the package is from, one is the TW OSS and the other is @system, both can be considered equally bedrock, so it’s likely that the package is exactly the same(just from different repos) or that any backports one might have vs the other is relatively minor.

So, IMO…
Either option is acceptable.

BTW - If you installed the Enlightenment Desktop on top of JeOS, I would not have recommended that… I would have recommended starting with the XFCE image, then adding Enlightenment. When you add Desktops to JeOS, you might see some odd things… I generally use JeOS pretty much as its own build for building special purpose images with practically nothing unnecessary.


I cancelled the update yesterday and started again this morning, same conflict… Will try it now and see if it breaks. I frequently take Raspbian light and install a GUI on top (to get away from all the trash in the usual Raspbian), which works fine. What is the difference to TW that makes it a risk to take JeOS for Raspi and set a GUI on top (besides that there is a lot of trash even in JeOS TW for Raspi…)? I would love to understand why I shouldn’t do this, otherwise I won’t stop… :wink:

 Kernel panic -not syncing. Fatal exception in interrupt. 

The machine waited 90 sec for reboot, next boot was OK, no iead why…

JeOS is “Just Enough OS” which means it’s stripped down, you start with a very bare set of packages.
JeOS is primarily targeted towards images that will be deployed on targets with limited storage and dedicated purposes where you want to limit the attack surface by removing anything that might make the machine vulnerable or be useful to an attacker.
A Desktop installed on top of JeOS will find that various files, utiliities, possible sub-systems are missing because JeOS is <not> a “standard” base image which contains everything Desktops expect.

On the other hand, when you install a full Desktop of any sort, you ordinarily aren’t as interested in being a minimalist, you want to have full subsystems and tools available. You want versatility. You want multi-capability. So, my recommendation is to start with an image that delivers all that functionality. I generally recommend XFCE as a good base for most other Desktops… Only KDE/Plasma installs completely different subsystems, most other Desktops assume gnome-based subsystems and XFCE provides that completely.