Rant, Oracle = bad

If Oracle does start messing around with OpenOffice, I think Go-OO (Novell) and Lotus Symphony (IBM) would has some trouble time, but would be re-tooled to fork from the exisitng OpenOffice. Hopefully they are looking into this viability now, just in case. Maybe Novell can get an agreement with Microsoft to port Office 2010 to Mono and provide it for Linux, or better yet Microsoft release Office for Linux! Now THAT would shake things up and cause Oracle to pause!

I’m less afraid for IBM and Java than I am for Red Hat and JBoss! Oracle has made no attempts to hide their dislike for Red Hat, even trying their hand in a Red Hat based Linux distribution themselves. Now they have Solaris to offer as a means to reduce the reliance on RHEL, and Java can cause some pain for JBoss which is one of RH’s money-makers!

Maybe somebody ought to whisper into Oracle’s ear that by messing around with Java, more people are going to migrate to Microsoft’s .NET as it’s looking to be more stable (licensing, company, etc.) than Java while under assault like this. I think their dislike for Microsoft is bigger than their greed. Naw, forget I said that , but it’s a close second… :wink:

Overall, I’m not happy with Oracle’s moves. They have the right, and the greed, but that doesn’t mean I like their moves.

Let this be a warning to all companies looking to be bought, or approached by Oracle!

Microsoft would be doing itself a big favor at this time by licensing C# under GPL. The antagonists’ points would be moot, and it could even give MS a strong presence in the mobile device market. It sure would raise their status.

Does MonoTouch run on Apple’s OS 4.0 for iPhone? I saw their tiny list of “approved” languages, but before that last update Mono had a variant to run .NET on iPhone/iPod/et.al.

V. 3.08 supports this.

There’s also a SDK in development for Android.

Why a commercial product on an open platform I can’t tell you.

Choices, choices!

With Microsoft 7 Phone going with Silverlight, if this causes enough problems for the Android, it may actually have a chance! :wink:

Better yet why not use Forth? rotfl!

> Why a commercial product on an open platform I can’t tell you.

Developers Developers Developers!..If you develop using their code, the
odds of leveraging your knowledge on their platform increases,
and your code becomes portable from one to the other. It makes perfect

Argh! Now I have that monkey-boy song stuck in my head! Images of a sweaty Ballmer dancing around the stage screaming “Developers! Developers! Developers!”!! AAAAAAAAAAA!!

> Argh! Now I have that monkey-boy song stuck in my head!

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

Corporations are amoral and exist only for chasing profit. The Leaders of most corporations are sociopaths. Anything one does doesn’t surprise me. In my personal opinion corporations are in the process of destroying the middle class and my country in the process.

Oracle is being evil in my opinion. I very much hope they lose big time. However Google is a corporation too and need to be watched as well.

I don’t use OpenOffice a text editor is all I really need so it’s just bloat in my install.

Oracle can burn for all I care.

On Sat, 2010-08-28 at 22:06 +0000, FlameBait wrote:

> Oracle can burn for all I care.

>From where I sit, looks like Larry has lit the match and is pouring
gasoline as we speak…

BBC News - Google sued by Oracle over Android operating system

=O Oracle is suing google over Android :open_mouth:

Actually, over the use of Java due to different availability of Java FX (for smart phones) instead of the Java JVM (which is open). Google took the base (open) Java and forked it for the Android while Oracle holds that Google didn’t pay for their Java FX and not only wants Google to pay up but wants all of the Android assets!!

Of course, my understanding of this case can be completely off (likely is too :wink: )

=O oracle is evil lol!

The thing is Android doesn’t run JAVA. It takes JAVA code and interprets it to run on Android. Dalvik (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Software patents are stupid. They should be void. Lawyers love them since they can parasite off technology like their Guild does everything else.