I guess this forum uses a little bit different then usual reputation system, I wonder what are those means, for example, I have title “student penguin” I know that means I have 50 posts, but I have also have a 2 little openSuse icons, and a 1 green bar under openSuse icons, When I see other users, some of them have 1 or 2 big openSuse heads, some of them have different type of openSuse heads, and some with almost full green bar. What are those means?
Forum Message Counts:
As you start or answer any message thread here in the openSUSE forums.
Puzzled Penguin 0-49 (new users start with this level)
Student Penguin 50-99
Explorer Penguin 100-249
Busy Penguin 250-499
Parent Penguin 500-999
Wise Penguin 1000-1999
Omniscient Penguin 2000
FYI here are the reputation levels:
As you reward another user for the help they have provided you using
the reputation icon is in the lower left of any message that you read
and looks like a star.
User is infamous around these parts -99999
User can only hope to improve -50
User has a little shameless behavior in the past -10
User is an unknown quantity at this point 0-9 (new users start with this level)
User is on a distinguished road 10-19
User will become famous soon enough 20-149
User has a spectacular aura about 150-249
User is a jewel in the rough 250-349
User is just really nice 350-449
User is a glorious beacon of light 450-549
User is a name known to all 550-649
User is a splendid one to behold 650-999
User has much to be proud of 1000-1499
User has a brilliant future 1500-1999
User has a reputation beyond repute 2000
Above is the information I have and below is the link to Forum FAQ’s where even more information on the forum operation can be found. I encourage anyone that sees valuable information provided by any user here in these forums to add to that users reputation by pressing the little star in the bottom left corner of one of the messages that user has left that you liked. You should always leave a comment as the reputation reward goes up by a point if you also leave a comment.
Thank You,
So, green bar is my reputation, and suse icon is my post number?
So, green bar is my reputation, and suse icon is my post number?
Yes. The reputation shows up as little green bars, as soon as you get any point rewards, Everyone gets a single bar, that turns green after the first reward. Then another bar shows up for each 10 points of rewards you get. As you may have guessed, most users don’t know how they work and most efforts to help, do not get any points, but ever so often, you get a reward from a happy user that has also paid attention to how the reward system works.
As for the message counts, you keep getting more symbols as you keep posting messages. The type and number change depending on the message count range you may be in. It does inspire some to go online more often, posting messages. I do look at it as telling of my efforts online, but really, your aim needs to be helping others. As you do so, you discover even more about using openSUSE and using Linux. So helping others helps you as well.
Thank You,
James, something must have changed since the list was written. I can’t see your rep in the list? Strange.
Kim did make some changes
Let me see if I can find it. It was mostly to accommodate crazy posters like me.
I found this image:
ImageBam - Fast, Free Image Hosting and Photo Sharing
caf4926 wrote:
> I found this image:
> ‘ImageBam - Fast, Free Image Hosting and Photo Sharing’
> (http://www.imagebam.com/image/b965dd93822274)
maybe that should be put in the FAQ, or something…
not that alone would stop questions
CAVEAT: http://is.gd/bpoMD [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]
I feel annoyed that I can’t put my wide range of languages on stupid
Facebook. For example, I speak Sarcasm, fluently spoken and written,
and Various Forms of Geek…