Radio skipping

I installed lastest version Suse 64bit, and I have problems with internet radio streams. Streams are skipping for 2-3 seconds every 10-20 seconds, or sometimes as long as 1-2 minutes. I tried GStremer and Xine engines, tried Amarok, Banshee… always the same - radio streams skipping. I never found a way to increase buffer for internet streams. Updated to last versions , still the same. Can you please help me?

On the same PC on a win OS every stream is working perfectly - my internet connection is more than capable for radio streaming.
I have no background programs that could eat the bandwith (at least that i know of).

Can anyone please help me?

Is there any problem? Do You need more info to help me? Did I say something wrong??

Well, the situation gets better and better: Web Browser Firefox is ABLE to play the same streams WITH NO PROBLEMS at all! While all your programs do not; radio playing is skipping and stopping after some time. On FF everything goes smooth!

I have the similar problem, mine only affects saved audio streams not streaming media or saved video. i haven’t found a solution yet.
It looks like multiple ports are opened with any of my multimedia player audio. Mine started with failing Kaffiene looking for a drkonqi module.