Hi Malcolm
As I have suffered a bit on getting this right, I tried to put this into a kind of “how to” - might be helpful for others too.
Just let me know whether this would be something I could put in a new post as and , more importantly, whether there are no errors in it
feel free to shoot!
openSuse Leap 15.1 or Leap 15.2 how to install amdgpu drivers for for ATI Radeon HD cards**
This guide is written for those who have an ATI Radeon HD7xxx / HD8xxx or R5/7/9 series 200 video card with GPU architecture GCN 1st generation of or GCN 2nd generation card.
!! If your video card has GCN 3rd generation and above, do not follow this guide.
!! If your video card has a Terascale Architecture , do not follow this guide.
If you don’t know what GPU architecture your card has, then determine it via this Wikipedia page : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units
You can check the exact type of your graph card in your terminal
sudo inxi -v2
and look for the section “graphics”
**Graphics: Device-1:**** AMD Pitcairn PRO [Radeon HD 7850 / R7 265 / R9 270 1024SP] ****driver:**** amdgpu ****v:**** kernel ****Display:****server:**** X.org 1.20.3 ****driver:**** amdgpu ****unloaded:**** fbdev,modesetting,vesa ****tty:**** 178x45 **
For the sake of completeness, you find a comprehensive table on which GPU architectures are supported by the AMDGPU driver. Kudo’s to our Arch friends : https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg#AMD
The experimental in this table refers to the support for GCN 1 and GCN 2 was only added with kernel 4.9. So if you are running the LEAP 15.1 standard kernel 4.12, the AMDGPU driver will most probably not work for you. You have the choice to upgrade your kernel (at your own risk) either you go for LEAP 15.2, that has kernel 5.13 as default, which should be fine. (I’m running LEAP 15.2 Beta and it works just fine.) More info on https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=AMDGPU-SI-Next-4.9
Ok, let’s get started
When you are on Btrfs, pull up Yast filesystem snapshots and make a snapshot and write down the number. Just to be safe…
**Step 1 **: install the amdgpu driver xf86-video-amdgpu via Yast Software or, alternatively via terminal
sudo zypper in xf86-video-amdgpu -y
Step 2 : add support for your GPU to the kernel parameters in Yast Boot Loader
For GCN 1 architecture : you need to specify support for Southern Islands (si) and disable for Sea Islands (cik).
For GCN 2 architecture : it’s the other way round : you need to disable support for Southern Islands (si) and enable support for Sea Islands (cik)
GCN 1 Cards add :
amdgpu.si_support=1 amdgpu.cik_support=0
GCN 2 Cards add :
amdgpu.si_support=0 amdgpu.cik_support=1
Open Yast Boot Loader and copy these two paramters for your type of card at the end of the commandline of the Kernel Parameters and click “ok”.
Step 3 : prevent openSUSE from using the radeon driver. Via terminal
cd /etc/modprobe.d
sudo nano 50-radeon.conf
If the file exists, add the below line to the file (unless it’s already in). If nano shows an empty file, just type
blacklist radeon
Don’t forget to add one blank line below the tekst. Now, save the file and exit nano.
**Step 4: **Make sure this gets added to the config by running
sudo mkinitrd
Ok, that’s done. Only thing to do is now reboot.
sudo shutdown -r now