R program needed


I am trying to install R programing language in my computer from:


However, I noticed that there is no any repository for the Leap 42.1. I am just wondering, could anybody add it for the Leap 42.1?

thanks a lot


R is included in Leap itself, the package is called R-base.

Or do you really need R-patched from that repository you mentioned? I don’t even know what that is (although it just seems to be a version with the latest patches from upstream)…

If yes, you could ask the maintainer to add a Leap 42.1 repo, see here:


I also have a bit trouble getting R and RStudio to run, but I have to admit I am new to openSuse.

So, I installed openSuse Leap and I thought R was already included.
I didnt find it in YaST packet manager so I installed it per “1-click” from this link.

R works from the konsole but I think something went wrong:

After the installation I was looking for R in the YaST package manager under the cathegory where all the other languages (python, java…) are.
I didn’t find it there. Later I realized it was somewhere in a little subcategory under “Math” (far down the list).

Afterwards I installed RStudio via YaST (didnt find R in YaST but RStudio…). When I run RStudio from Krunner the little RStudio icon appears but then nothing happens.
If I try to run it from the konsole, nothing happens at all.

Any suggestions what went wrong?

Best Regards

I’m not sure what’s the difference between the patched and released version, did you try this repo for LEAP

Sorry for post. Got the problem now.

rstudio which was shown in YaST probably was an older version.
I went to the RStudio website and downloaded the .rpm from there.
Everything works fine now.
