Does anybody know what happened to quickaccess plasmoid?
It used to work fantastically. It did also after I updated to kde 4.5. But some days ago I updated again something and since then, if I try to put it on the desktop I get a message like this:
This object could not be created for the following reason: Could not find requested component: quickaccess
I tried starting plasmoids from scratch, reinstalling previous versions of that package, but to no avail.
Maybe nobody else has the same problem… Any idea will be welcome.
Hi! I have the same problem, I’m trying to file a bug report, hope I do it right, I wish it could be fixed soon it is my favorite plasmoid so far and one of the most productive I have to say!
Version of quickaccess 0.8.1
KDE 4.5
opensuse 11.3
After reading this post by caf4926, I thought that maybe our problem (diferent from the one he was dealing with) was due to something similar and could be resolved in the same way.
I tried doing what he suggests and it was fine. Now, the quickaccess widget worked normally.
Hehe go to the page that says quick access maintenance fork, from the link above, and at the bottom there is a comment from a user called knormal, he puts out another workaround, but updating without many repos did the trick for me and now it works again!!!