20th of March 2022
The main thing that I use my HTPC for is to play music, and I usually use Kodi for that, and the main reason I use Kodi is for the ProjectM Visualisation addon, it’s lovely!
For some reason, the Packman repo does not have a binary addon package available for the ProjectM addon. I don’t have the time or bandwidth to take on the task of being the package maintainer for this package, so, I thought I would document the way I am doing it at the moment, for the benefit of others out there who may want it.
The way I used to do it was by building this addon locally from source. But, that requires building the Kodi base application as a first step. The whole process takes several hours, and is a lot of work!
There is a better way.
What you need to do first is to install the Kodi Flatpak version from Flathub. Instructions here:
Then install it from here; it’s easy enough to do from Discover:
There are two advantages to this approach.
Firstly, I find it useful to be able to run two different configurations of Kodi from the same user profile. Let’s just I have my reasons for that!
Secondly, the addons are binary compatible with the Packman version, so you can just create a shell script like this:
cp -rv /var/lib/flatpak/app/tv.kodi.Kodi/x86_64/stable/6fc370305e50986609b9b979019498ef3f4bbf34e964b12069667b40f5a60e80/files/lib/kodi/addons/visualization.projectm/ /usr/lib64/kodi/addons/
cp -rv /var/lib/flatpak/app/tv.kodi.Kodi/x86_64/stable/6fc370305e50986609b9b979019498ef3f4bbf34e964b12069667b40f5a60e80/files/share/kodi/addons/visualization.projectm/ /usr/share/kodi/addons/
I called my script ‘copy.projectm.addon.sh’, and I keep it in my home directory. Make sure that this script has execute permissions, and you will need to run it as root.
After running the script, restart Kodi, enable the addon in “My Addons”, and go to the Player/Music settings to set it up as your default visualiser.
It’s that simple!
Now, every time you run a ‘flatpak upgrade’, and you see that the tv.kodi.Kodi package gets updated, just run the script again.
Tested on Tumbleweed, but there is no reason why it shouldn’t work on Leap 15.3, or on Leap 15.4 when those packages get added to the repo.
One problem you might run into is that sometimes when you run a ‘flatpak upgrade’, the Flathub package gets updated to a new major version before the Packman version does, and that can break binary compatibility. This script doesn’t delete the old versions of the binary .so library, so in that case, it’s simple enough to edit /usr/share/kodi/addons/visualization.projectm/addon.xml, and set the addon version setting back to the older .so library.