Questions about yt-dlp

I’d like to ask two questions about yt-dlp.

  1. Assuming that I want to use an updated yt-dlp version and this updated version is included in a bunch of 50 updates for example that require the use of zypper dup. Can I use yast software Management and install only the yt-dlp and python-311-yt-dlp updates and leave the rest for later when I’m about to shut down my system for example? If yes, what’s the difference between the Update and Update Unconditionally options I see in yast Software Management?
  2. Can I uninstall the Packman version of yt-dlp and install the developer’s version from github instead (in order to have faster updates)? Will it work OK? What happens with python-311-yt-dlp in that case? Do I keep it installed for the developer’s version to function properly?

Thank you.

This can be done via sudo zypper up <packagename>

Do you mean I should prefer zypper instead of yast software management or is it just an alternative way to do the update and I can use either of them?

If you want verbose output, always use zypper…

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Do I have to use zypper up for yt-dlp only and zypper will include all the relative packages automatically or do I need to use zypper up for each package separately?

Dependencies are automatically pulled by zypper.

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OK, thank you very much. Can you help me with the second question too please?

You can use the upstream version for sure. But you are responsible yourself for keeping it updated. It may work or not as it are generic installation files. The openSUSE python-311-yt-dlp is not needed when installing the upstream version.

Btw, what is the reason why you want to use the upstream version? As of today, Tumbleweed ships the latest available stable yt-dlp version 2025.01.15…

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Just the same, but different user interface.

But why are you so eager to want the new version. Is the present version not working?

Up to now, before I switched to TW, I was using the developer’s version in the previous distribution. There were certain cases when the existing version wouldn’t work because youtube had made changes that needed to be addressed by yt-dlp. So we all were waiting for the developer to release the fixed version. TW releases the Packman version approximately two days later if I remember well and I was just wondering whether I must use the Packman version with TW or not. But you have already answered this question.

The current version is OK. @hui asked a similar question. I think the response should cover your question too.

It does. Thanks for the explanation.

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