I’m running 11.4 with GNOME, and by default there are no login/logoff or shutdown noises. I didn’t really care, until I finally noticed it and realized that it was kind of weird, and a little lacking in character.
The login sound was enabled in startup applications, but running the command in a terminal said that the requested sound file wasn’t found.
After some searching, I found that the system sounds are in /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo; sure enough, there was no “desktop-login” sound. There is a file called “service-login.oga”, but that’s not what canberra was looking for, since the command defaults to “desktop-login”.
Is this a bug that it defaults to the wrong one? On a related note, I tried symlinking desktop-login.oga to point to service-login.oga, and it solved the error, but I still didn’t hear any sound play.
Guess I’m just a little confused about how openSUSE (or GNOME more likely) handles system sounds like login, and why it’s having trouble playing.
I have the same problem as the OP: no sound(s) at Gnome login or logout. The sound files are conspicuous by their absence, and the suggestion in Gnome Sound Preferences provides no solution, although it does correctly adjust the alert sound volume.
The closest filename was “login.wav” in /usr/share/sounds.
Okay, I’ve confirmed that canberra works, and I can create a login sound by symlinking a file to /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/desktop-login.oga, but that’s still odd that there’s nothing there by default.