June 13, 2024, 3:32am
I should’ve asked this long ago, but just now thought of it.
During the ‘dup’ operation, I get several(or more) instances of having to choose an action(1,2,3,c,d) for a package.
Is there a general rule for which to choose if the choices don’t seem to make sense?
@Bill_L that all depends… perhaps paste and example or two…
June 13, 2024, 4:31am
I didn’t copy from the dup upgrade choices. Will they be in a log?
If the choices don’t seem to make sense to you, try this:
Vendor configuration defaults of zypper are very conservative.
Astute users may want to tweak solver default settings and some more options:
3400g:~ # grep ^solver /etc/zypp/zypp.conf
solver.onlyRequires = true
solver.allowVendorChange = true
solver.dupAllowVendorChange = true
solver.cleandepsOnRemove = true
3400g:~ #
Use of priorities allows for safe non-interactive operation:
3400g:~ # zypper repos --alias --uri --refresh --show-enabled-only…
Answering questions is pointless when properly configured zypper makes the right decisions anyway.
June 13, 2024, 3:09pm
Note to self. Next upgrade remember to remove the lock on language files.
@Bill_L Never saw an issue here with two distribution upgrades and all *-lang packages locked?
June 13, 2024, 4:21pm
There were a LOT of things that I was having to select ‘remove lock’ in order to install the new version s.
Can I just get rid of all language files? Or do they include my native language as well?
BTW, this was on my laptop. The workstation only had 3 ‘conflicts to choose options for.
@Bill_L I’m assuming English is your native language… if so yes… just watch out in the list for the occasional package that may want to remove, just reinstall after adding locks…
July 13, 2024, 4:44pm
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