The error message given when attempting to start QT5 Settings GUI app by
a user) is as follows: ‘The QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME environment variable is
not set correctly’
Running in terminal (as a user) a pop-up window gives same message as
GUI method above
:~> qt5ct
Configuration path: /home/xxxxxx/.config/qt5ct/
Shared QSS path: /usr/share/qt5ct/qss/
**Running in terminal as root works but starting via GUI QT5 Settings
app gives same error message as ordinary user above.
Apart from Yast2-qt, I also use Dolphin and K3b. These apps now look ok
under native gnome theme but I would like to use a native qt theme where
I choose by personal preference.
Any advice on getting this working (so far none forthcoming)?
This package does not do what it claims to be able to do (see below
quote) under leap 42.2 gnome 3 desktop environment but works fine under
mate (both on separate install partition or as an extra desktop
environment option in this problematic gnome 3 configuration.
The below method works but settings do not hold after end of session:
"entering the following in a terminal will allow the application to run
from terminal
On 02/11/17 21:00, Peter_Abc wrote:
> The error message given when attempting to start QT5 Settings GUI app by
> a user) is as follows: ‘The QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME environment variable is
> not set correctly’
> Running in terminal (as a user) a pop-up window gives same message as
> GUI method above
> :~> qt5ct
> Configuration path: /home/xxxxxx/.config/qt5ct/
> Shared QSS path: /usr/share/qt5ct/qss/
> **Running in terminal as root works but starting via GUI QT5 Settings
> app gives same error message as ordinary user above.
> Apart from Yast2-qt, I also use Dolphin and K3b. These apps now look ok
> under native gnome theme but I would like to use a native qt theme where
> I choose by personal preference.
> What needs to be done to correct this issue?