Qt library upgrades for opensuse 13.2 ?

Hi everyone,
The project I’m developing requires qt5 libraries with version greater than 5.4.

However OBS only provides 5.3. for OpenSuse 13.2 even though it provides 5.5 for Tumbleweed and Leap.
So I guess the questions are:

  • what is the policy for version upgrades of libraries in the older versions of opensuse?
  • is there a way to request this upgrade?
  • if not, is there a workaround to provide a valid package for 13.2? for instance, is it possible to provide the package together with the missing libraries?
  • My home version of 13.2 provides Qt5.4, so why doesn’t OBS provide them ?

I’ve been struggling with OBS and will appreciate any help.


On Sun 10 Apr 2016 10:56:01 AM CDT, techwinder wrote:

Hi everyone,
The project I’m developing requires qt5 libraries with version greater
than 5.4.
Welcome - openSUSE Build Service

However OBS only provides 5.3. for OpenSuse 13.2 even though it
provides 5.5 for Tumbleweed and Leap.
So I guess the questions are:

  • what is the policy for version upgrades of libraries in the older
    versions of opensuse?
  • is there a way to request this upgrade?
  • if not, is there a workaround to provide a valid package for 13.2?
    for instance, is it possible to provide the package together with the
    missing libraries?
  • My home version of 13.2 provides Qt5.4, so why doesn’t OBS provide
    them ?

I’ve been struggling with OBS and will appreciate any help.


Link in your project config to use the update repo as well, then it
should pull it through 5.4.2…

This is what I use for Leap;

<repository name="openSUSE_Leap_42.1">
<path project="openSUSE:Leap:42.1" repository="standard"/>
<path project="openSUSE:Leap:42.1:Update" repository="standard"/>

Or build against KDE:QT5, to test use;

osc build openSUSE_13.2 --alternative-project KDE:QT5

Then look at adding the repo as a build target…

Also look at using pkgconfig as a build requires…

pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL) == or =>

Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1|GNOME 3.10.4|3.12.53-60.30-default
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Thanks Malcom, success !
Changed theses lines in my home project and it pulled the 5.4 libraries.

  <repository name="openSUSE_13.2">
    <path project="openSUSE:13.2:Update" repository="standard"/>

That should be fine, but I always add the main one as well in the same section just to be sure…but things may have changed so it does link the default repo automatically.

OK. For information, ff the repositories are specified in this order

    <path project="openSUSE:13.2:Update" repository="standard"/>
    <path project="openSUSE:13.2" repository="standard"/>

the build succeeds. If the :update repo is specified after the main, it fails.