Are you really trying to build Android apps on an Android device?
Although likely possible, is practically unheard of (in my experience).
Because compiling is CPU intensive, it’s better done on a full Desktop (or similar) with an x86 or x64 processor.
To build an application targeted towards any mobile device running on any hardware platform, this is generally what happens…
You build your app using a higher level language… usually. Android apps generally use a runtime called Dalvik and are generally written in its own Java language although there are other options… You can use Google’s alternate recommended language, Python or you can code in cross-platform HTML5/CSS3/Javascript (which would run in its own environment, not in a web browser). You can code in lower level languages like C++ too, but that is less popular (Intel publishes an SDK to do this)
You compile your code targeting specific hardware platforms. To do this, you need an appropriate compiler and libraries supporting the target platform. For Android, Google publishes the Android SDK (updated many times over the years). When you install the Android SDK, it will ask you which platforms you want to target and various other options.
To test your compiled code, you can push the unpackaged code directly to a real physical device or to an emulator (virtualized image running on your Desktop), and when you’re satisfied with what you’ve built the Android SDK will build an APK package for you for distribution.
The above is the most common way to build Android apps, but there are other options as well. There are many online services now which provide a way for you to code in a web browser, then use cloud servers to do everything else (compile, test, publish, etc).
QT mobile apps are now officially written in HTML5/CSS3/Javascript… I don’t remember the name of the IDE you can download is, but it should be easily found.
I want to build Android apps on openSUSE use Qt as library. But I can’t find qmake for build Android apps on my installed system. I can only found qmake for build desktop apps. Without qmake for android, no android build option on Qt just for build desktop apps.
I found qmake for build android like android_armv7 on qt installer at
but does openSUSE have repo package for qmake for build android apps?
thx for the reply
and sorry for my english that make misunderstanding
For now,
I still think you’re looking for something that doesn’t exist.
A quick Google search using the terms “qmake android” suggests that what I’ve described applies to building QT apps to run on Android as well.
I’d also ask you what development tools you’re using and particularly if you’re using QT Creator or any other IDE… Or, if you’re building using only a text editor.
I’d also be interested if you’re following any published guide for setting up a development environment for building qt apps targeting Android.