Python begginers

Hi, hello
I try to find how to install a PYTHON platform serveur like** LAMP**.
I’m real debutant (beginner).
I try a new CMS and i use usualy XAMPP on windows and LAMP on opensuse.
I have try but didn’t understand and find each folders.
I need help step by step how to python thanks.
Thanks for your help.

This may help you setting up LAMP server SDB:Linux Apache MySQL PHP - openSUSE Wiki

I’m not sure I understand your question. But if you want to use python in Apache, you just have to

  • make sure that apache2-mod_python is installed
  • add ‘python’ to the list of modules in the line starting with APACHE_MODULES in /etc/sysconfig/apache2
  • restart apache with:
# systemctl restart apache2.service

After doing that, the module mod_python.c will show up in Apache Server Information. I don’t know if that’s what you’re trying to do.

Thanks all for your answer,
For LAMP i’m perfect user.
I use sometimes joomla or wordpress.
But now i just want to know how to use some CMS write in python like: Django, web2py, skeletonz.
I’m going to try mod_python maybe is work.
thanks for help
king regards