PXElinux.cfg content

Running openSuse 13.2 server dhcp/tftp to boot pxe clients, but not sure what triggers/files/scripts/pointers are needed to start a boot/install process on the client. It seems client gets valid IP, mask, and dns, but shows pxe-e32 error code waiting for an instruction or executable file pushed from /tftpboot directory. With reference to PXE Wikipedia, the DHCP points client to srv/tftpboot directory which contains pxelinux.cfg container, with a default.cfg text file, pointing to opensuse 11.4 32bit kernel and initrd files, a pxelinux.0 copied from syslinux on the server, and the entire suse 11.4 DVD-i586.iso in the /tftpboot directory. I think it’s all set to go, but in its current state, clients don’t start an install process, most likely because the datapaths are not set correctly, needing pointers or correct syntax in script files, and I’m not certain what is needed or what information files should contain, or how those files should be organized in the directory (it’s a bit-bucket box for now), any advice is helpful. Many thanks!


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