S | Name | Summary | Type
| pure-ftpd | A Lightweight, Fast, and Secure FTP Server | package
| pure-ftpd | A Lightweight, Fast, and Secure FTP Server | srcpackage
| pure-ftpd | pure-ftpd: fix to honor PassivePortRange in /etc/pure-ftpd.conf | patch
Hi, I had the same problem. As a first you’ve got to set the portrange in the pure-ftpd.conf file like you already did. Next to that you’ve got to open those ports in your computers firewall as well. In your case 35000 to 36000.
thanks a lot for info.
I think I’m already using the latest version - both installed and available versions are 1.0.21-182.32.1 (repo for updates is http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.1/, using yast)… nothing newer appears in my Online updates…
Check whether the generation of the running config file puts -p35000:36000 in the pure-ftpd command line as explained in the bug report. If not you may have to rerun the config, or something. Also check for silly spelling errors. I see that according to the bug report the required syntax is 35000:36000 but you seem to have used a space.