Pure-FTPd - IP access limitation, how to !?

Hi Folks, I just installed Pure-FTPd on a FreeBSD 7.1 Server , everything is working perfect, but I want to make some limitations to access the Pure FTP server and don’t have an idea how to.

I want to limit the access to the ftp server allowed only from certain IPs and/or networks, everything else denied.


If pure-ftpd is compiled with support for libwrap (tcpwrappers), you can use /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny to specify which hosts can use the service. Since this is FreeBSD, you’d have to check the conventions for naming the service.

Otherwise you could use whatever firewall FreeBSD supplies, what is it called, ifw, ipfw? to limit access to the FTP ports by IP address. Again I don’t know enough FreeBSD to give you details.

PS: Interesting that you should pose a FreeBSD question here? There are similarities between Linux and BSD but you’d probably get more detailed and less likely to be slightly incorrect answers in a FreeBSD forum I would think.