Hi there and thx for reading and answering this post if you can.
I run a standard opensuse 12.3 x86_64 with the pulseaudio layer, and I want to use an audio app (e.g. skype) from another dedicaced user: typically **su skype; skype
**All works fine - including the graphic - , except the sound.
I already added the skype user in the pulse/pulse-access groups, created the corresponding dir in /run/user, set the correct perms on it.
Tried to run start-pulseaudio-x11, tried paplay file.wav, but I always got connection refused.
So there is no GUI running under user skype? So how is the Skype app supposed run without a GUI? Also su only gives you the skype user’s permissions it does not actually log them in in the normal sense
Totally unclear on why you want to do this, but if you do you need a logged in user running a GUI and the Skype app.
I just changed the access rights of /run/users/1000 and** /run/users/1000/pulse** to** rwx**. Now I wonder how to allow skype to acknowledge my web cam.
/dev is not persistent it is a virtual directory created at boot so I’d not expect changes there to survive a boot. I suppose you could add a script to make the change at each boot ass root