KingOfSquirrels adjusted his/her AFDB on Saturday 08 Aug 2009 17:16 to
> I’ve basically given up on that keyboard and a new one is on its way but
> i am now trying to use an on screen keyboard. I have put gtkeyboard on a
> USB stick in .gz form but openSuse isnt telling me it has found the USB
> stick and i dont know how to get to the equivalent of my computer in
> openSUSE please help.
There should be a virtual keyboard on the SuSE disk not sure if it is
installed by default, all depends on what software you chose to install.
If your USB stick has been seen and recognise and mounted then you should
have had some sort of indication, Otherwise you will need to open a file
manager, look for one in the menus ( what desktop are you using?)
When you have a file manager you need to go to the /media/ directory and
look to see if you can see your USB stick.
However I doubt that you will be able to do anything with a .gz file as that
is not a standard package for SuSE or any of the mainstream Linux distros
and so you will not be able to install it.
If you cannot find a virtual keyboard in any of the menus then you need to
install it from the DVD, put the disk in and then look for Yast in the menu,
when it starts go to the software management and “search” for keyboard, now
you should see a couple virtual keyboards at least ( vkeybd, xvkbd, viki,
kvkbd ) maybe not all of those but any one should do.
Install it and then it should appear in you menus.
Where it puts it depends on which GUI you are using.
That is about the only way of doing this without a keyboard using just a
Now all above maybe utter tripe because I have never installed on a PS3 and
have no idea if it is anything like I have explained, in that case I would
wait for your keyboard to arrive, being without a mouse is easy peasy in
linux but without a keyboard you will find it nearly impossible
If you get stuck just shout, but let us know which GUI and other stuff to
make it a bit easier for us to help.
If you are in Gnome then i will try to help but I have not used it in years
and so my knowledge is limited, but someone will know ( hopefully ) but as
it is the weekend a lot of the bods are not here.
Caveat emptor
Nullus in verba
Nil illegitimi carborundum