Proposal for more efficient package management

So Im using openSUSE Tumbleweed and its been a satisfying experience overall, except that managing packages could be done more efficiently, with automation, like Debian/Ubuntu/Mint, where you install a package (or many), then when you remove them, you get an independent option to autoremove all packages and dependencies. In openSUSE you must state --clean-deps when you remove a specific package. In order to clean up all orphaned, unnecessary, obsolete, etc. packages from my system after removing some useless ones, I had to run a script that first lists all those packages and then individually asks me if I want to remove each one and their recursive orphaned ones, which is too slow, so I instead took the package list that it produced, then I had to zypper rm them, and afterwards I ran the script again to search for secondary new orphaned, unneeded deps again for all the packages I cleaned, and zypper rm’d them, and repeated until I had done an effective “autoremove” Debian style. Manually. I suggest you guys implement some autoremove like feature in openSUSE for the ease of your users. The reason I dont do this is because I dont know how to code and Im not active in any development community, so thats why I made this account to propose you guys this feature. It would certainly make user experience much better, and you can implement it in two ways: one, to automatically autoremove all packages and also the deps than ensue afterwards, and another, to manually select which to keep from a large list of grouped together but classified (marked) orphaned, unnecessary, obsolete packages and deps, and an option to repeat this process or make it automatically recursive, but always with a choice on what to clean. That, I believe, would place this autoremove feature slightly ahead of the competition, while based on it.

Welcome. It is a wall of text that could use some paragraph breaks.

I you do not want that you can edit your zypper.conf, set solver.cleandepsOnRemove = true in /etc/zypp/zypp.conf

This here is a user forum. I’m afraid you are addressing the wrong audience.

Sorry Pal but that’s lazy, both when it comes to reading, and when it comes to actually wanting to make changes to an extremely complicated system, as opposed to finding some hidden option already there that doesn’t imply any positive changes. Autoremove would be better because it would let you clean deps not just for those packages installed with that option on, but for those you installed while that option was off.

“There will appear a zypper remove --remove-unneeded … it will appear in a future PR.”


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