Properly Remove ATI FLGRX Drivers

Anyone link me accurate guide? Not much help Googling. I uninstalled via YaST Then run a few commands from Wiki but would boot to black screen. A restart would boot to OS but OpenGL was broke in that it would not implement desktop effects!?! I installed via one click repo.

My guess would be that there’s still NO_KMS_IN_INITRD=“yes” in /etc/sysconfig/kernel.
Set this to “no” and run “sudo /sbin/mkinitrd”.
Does it work then?

And it would probably help if you told which graphics card you have… :wink:

All I know is it’s a discreet APU. Initrd fails to build, says;

KMS drivers:     radeon fglrx

/lib/modules/3.14.4-30.gbebeb6f-desktop/extra/fglrx.ko not found.
There was an error generating the initrd (9)

Hm. It still tries to copy the fglrx kernel module to the initrd but that doesn’t exist any more.

Apparently it only fails for kernel 3.14.4?
Try to uninstall 3.14.4 (via the “Versions” tab in YaST e.g.), the current one is 3.16.1 anyway.

If that doesn’t help there must be some remnants of the fglrx driver left.
Maybe you installed it manually (not via the RPMs) at some point?

Hmmm? Dim distant murky past, maybe?

Thanks for your help, I will try again when got a minute.

Try to look for a fglrx.ko in /lib/modules as well and remove them.

find /lib/modules/ -name fglrx.ko

Probably there’s some symlink left over that’s pointing to nowhere because the driver is uninstalled.
That would explain why mkinitrd tries to copy fglrx to the initrd but fails with “file not found”.

But if you didn’t completely remove the driver (i.e. if you installed it manally some time ago and just installed the RPM package over it) there might be other files left-over that could prevent radeon from working.
A “blacklist radeon” somewhere in /etc/modprobe.d/ in particular. Although I think mkinitrd wouldn’t add radeon to the initrd then.

So if you cannot get it to work, post your /var/log/Xorg.0.log please.

I removed radeonfb from blacklist.

Removed al kernels but most recent, fails to build same error.

Xorg loads the fglrx driver (and even does so successfully…), so you didn’t uninstall it at all.

Again, how did you install it in the first place? Via the rpms/repo?
Then search for fglrx in YaST and remove it. (you said you did that in the first post, but obviously you didn’t)
If in doubt, please post the output of:

rpm -qa | grep fglrx

And remove the /etc/X11/xorg.conf afterwards if it still exists.

I removed radeonfb from blacklist.

You should not remove that.
You should have removed a “blacklist radeon” if there would have been one.

Add it back!

I removed FGLRX via YaST, honest! It is not uninstalling properly if that is the case?!? Is there a command line purge? Zypper switch?

Well, the driver is still installed, obviously.
Otherwise Xorg couldn’t load it.

How exactly did you remove it with YaST?

It is not uninstalling properly if that is the case?!? Is there a command line purge? Zypper switch?

Removing the RPM should remove all files.
And it doesn’t make a difference whether you do this with YaST, zypper, or rpm.

As I asked already, please post the output of:

rpm -qa | grep fglrx

Probably you didn’t really remove it.

The only other possibility I would see is that you installed it manually via the installer from AMD/ATI at some point, as I mentioned already.
So if the above command doesn’t return anything, try to run this to uninstall it:

sudo /usr/share/ati/

And again, remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf (but not /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ ! ) afterwards if it still exists.

No dice! Still, need proprietary driver if one wants to game, just lose all the nice desktop effects. This install been hacked around since 12.3, prob due a fresh install, I will bear in mind for future. Looks like Factory eventually Tumbleweed’s successor anyhoo though still unstable present day. Thanks for your help, all a learning curve.

I don’t quite understand you.
Did you manage to uninstall fglrx now? That’s what you wanted.
And what about desktop effects? They don’t work?
Did you check that the radeon driver is actually working/is in use?

Well, if you want to game, you might try out the latest kernel/radeon versions, there have been huge improvements.
You could try a Factory LiveUSB, you can even install things there.

Or you can install the latest Kernel/Xorg/Mesa from OBS repos.

If the fgrx driver works, just stick to it though.
Why did you even want to remove it in the first place, then?

Looks like Factory eventually Tumbleweed’s successor anyhoo though still unstable present day.

Factory will never be a “successor” to Tumbleweed.
It’s been there long before Tumbleweed. :wink:

But why do you think it’s unstable? Have you actually tried it?

Aha! Successor? no! I tried Factory, there was a bug in the installer preventing user info (password/username) being set up upon reboot for first use. I will try another snapshot, it may be fixed.

There is no configuration step after the first reboot any more since some months, so probably that’s fixed yes.
At least I never had such a problem as you described in the recent months when installing Factory.

When did you try it?

Tried this week just gone.

Most recent snapshot partially UEFI boots USB stick via UNetbootin then fails, something 'bout failed to find MBR identifier.

You should not use UNetbootin to copy the openSUSE ISOs to an USB stick. It will damage them in trying to make them bootable.
They are already bootable, so just copy them verbatim with “dd” or SUSE Imagewriter.
See also: SDB:Live USB stick - openSUSE Wiki
While that page specifically talks about the Live ISOs, the same applies to the full DVD and NETinstall ISOs as well.

That’s not specific to Factory though, it’s the same with ISOs for released versions.

Yey! Fo’ SUSE Image writer!

Now to install…

They take a weekly snapshot? Same bug; upon first use >insert package name< calls for password & username, fails.

Well, not exactly weekly.
Whenever a new Factory snapshot is published, there are new ISOs as well.
If you install Factory to your hard disk, you can just install the updates online though as usual, no need to re-install every few days.

Same bug; upon first use >insert package name< calls for password & username, fails.

Upon first use of what?
And what is “>insert package name<”?

Is this during installation, or is this in the running system?
What are you doing exactly that you get asked for a “password & username”?

I never saw such a problem.