I am using suse 11.0 with kde 3.5. My suse boots up very slowly. how could I adjust the settings so that I it will be started fast.
My second problem is with uninstalling software.
I tried uninstalling screentlets program. It went on successfully. But now while the system starts up it shows KDEinit could not found a screenlets .py file. hopw could i fix that.
My third problem is that how could I control the programs autostarted during booting.rotfl!
The answer to questions one and three: YaST → “System” → “Runlevel Editor”. You should know what to switch off before doing so…
At what point does the boot slow down?
It’s possible to view the system loading at boot. Easiest way is hit the Esc key at the green splash screen, you may have to press a few times just to catch it (there is a bit of lag)
You may get to see the problem as the system loads hardware etc…
Messages appearing during the boot-process can also be viewed afterwards.
less /var/log/boot.msg
Re Screenlets, see here FAQ - Screenlets.org - note the “rm” command string which must be used from the command line as root after uninstalling the package.