Program for mounting cd/dvd

I recently broke my dvd-rom cable. So now when I whant to install some software through YaST it needs the openSUSE 11.0 dvd. Is it possible to mount the .iso and continue the installation?

and if so, anyone knows a good program for that? somewhat like deamon-tools for windows.

Just go to Yast - Software - Repositories


Local ISO Image

you can try The Furious ISO mount tool, its pretty neat. Available from packman repos

Furious worked lika a charm. But “Package selection YaST” still whants me to insert a openSUSE dvd. Is there a way to solve this?

you have to disable the original dvd repo added at install

how do i do that? Is this a BIOS thing?

Yast - Software - Repositories

In the list find the one that looks like this
URL: cd:///?devices=/dev/sr0

and uncheck the enable box

worked perfect, thx all for the help!

Happy to hear we got it sorted for you;)